Laboratory Teaching and Research Manager
This is the person who, individually or as a group coordinator, performs teaching or research activities in a laboratory.
This role may be performed by teachers, researchers and technicians who carry out laboratory activities, including similar activities at external sites, such as construction sites, excavation campaigns, production sites, etc.
The Laboratory Teaching and Research Manager’s main duties include:
- Working with the Health and Safety Manager, teaching staff proposing research topics, the Health and Safety Supervisor, the Health and Safety Services Unit and the Company Occupational Physician for aspects related to the management of occupational health and safety
- Adopting preventive and protective measures before activities involving exposure to risk are carried out
- Defining any operating procedures, good workplace practices, access protocols and safety rules in connection with activities that could involve exposure to risks
- Overseeing the correct application of preventive and protective measures
- Identifying all persons exposed to any risk before new activities can commence and whenever any relevant changes are made to teaching or research activities
- Ensuring that risk assessment reports are revised whenever activities undergo any significant changes
- Taking action to eliminate or reduce risks to a minimum in relation to knowledge about technical progress
- Informing, instructing and training all persons in respect of any specific risks to which they may be exposed and the preventive and protective measures that must be implemented in order to eliminate or reduce these to a minimum